Winter’s last deep freeze?

The morning’s snow fog cloaks trees in ice, an eagle flies North, and the days of February blow forward. Is Spring training near?

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Why “Farm” Your Training Day?


Plant your training efforts in time and space, and watch yourself grow. Nurture these actions with good eating, sleeping, and drinking habits as you would water and feed crops. Harvest the bounty when the time is right, by executing your sport, art, or work better than before. Share the yield and nourish others with your gains.

Raindrops in Fall, Running Down Trails

rainy pathways through October

Joy in running on a multi-dimensional training day…

On an interval run this morning, I took the time to enjoy Fall. The cloud over me started with drizzle droplets, making full raindrop by mid run. The tip-tap-tip on the giant elms’ leaves turned to pip-pap-zip, coasting on cattail leaves and spattering across the lake.

Fast intervals took relief from the cool-surround of 55 Fahrenheit.

The natural dance all around asks, ‘why not a second training evolution later?’ Strength conditioning to balance out and fit into the weekend schedule at a level I can tailor to my people priorities.

I’m thankful for the gift of reasonable health that I can do this. So fundamental a gift is this, I feel indebted. It’s a gratitude quietly urging action to aid others who may need it. This just happens. It’s no ideology. The hues of joy are imbued with the properties of sharing goodness. Such joy is available in a consistent training life.

The tie-in inspiration flows out to multiple dimensions of this shared life with people. Training does more for us than words can describe. It isn’t only about fitness. That is one of the welcome by-products. Life is more wondrous than we expected.